December 11, 2014

Monito Lucachi Trust Fund: an innovative fundraising strategy

A brief account of an innovative funding mechanism, which involves auctioning the name of a recently-discovered animal species in order to raise resources for the protection of its habitat.
December 12, 2014

Monito Lucachi Trust Fund: online auctions for conservation

FUNDESNAP presents a collaborative and innovative funding mechaninsm, which involves auctioning the name of a recently-discovered animal species in order to raise resources for the protection of its habitat.
December 11, 2014

Monitoring biodiversity in Alto Chagres

The case details a biodiversity monitoring initiative at NATURA Foundation, which includes five conservation targets and eleven biological indicators.
December 11, 2014

Monitoring the Impact of Environmental Funds on Biodiversity in Protected Areas

The handbook is an introduction to M&E and impact assessment approaches. It draws on the experience of the RedLAC Impact Monitoring Working Group to collaboratively develop […]
December 11, 2014

Opportunities for EFs in Compensation and Offset Schemes

An exercise-based overview of offset and compensation schemes, which clarifies technical concepts, analyzes risks and opportunities, presents emerging standards and methodologies, and identifies clear roles for EFs.
December 11, 2014

Paracas National Reserve: fundraising with the private sector

PROFONANPE presents its partnership with an Oil & Gas private company to finance the Paracas National Reserve. The case details the working of the financial mechanisms […]
December 11, 2014

Payment for Environmental Services in Costa Rica: The National Forestry Financing Fund

FONAFIFO is the public trust fund created to encourage the conservation and reforestation of lands outside of national parks and wildlife reserves. Authors: Tommie Herbert, Rebecca […]
December 11, 2014

Payment for Environmental Services in Ecuador: The Fund for the Protection of Water

FONAG is a private trust for financing conservation activities focused on water resources protection and maintenance. It is funded by payments for ecosystem services and donations. […]
May 15, 2019

Payments for Environmental Services (PES): Lichenya River Catchment Environmental Restoration Action

Mulanje Mountain Conservation Trust (MMCT) is facilitating yet to be the first Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) action within the watershed catchment of Lichenya River on Mt Mulanje in the Southern Malawi. The commitment was made available to Mulanje Electricity Generation Agency (MEGA) – a social enterprise,to finance repair of one hydropower generation scheme in exchange for a long-term financial obligation to support upstream catchment landscape management.
October 21, 2019

Practice Standards for EFs: focus on Asset Management & Sustainability

This handbook was prepared for the 2nd workshop of Project K (Knowledge for Action project) “Using the Practice Standards". It focuses on the development of evidenced-based norms, the Practice Standards, for use by EFs and those institutions and individuals who provide financial and technical support to them.
May 15, 2019

Program related investment initiative for climate change adaptation

The Forever Costa Rica Association (FCRA) is launching a Program Related Investment (PRI) Initiative that will catalyze investments, with capital procured from the Debt-for-Nature Swap between Costa Rica and the United States, in small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) or businesses developing sustainable use programs within and surrounding the Second Debt-for-Nature Swap prioritized geographical areas.
November 10, 2019

Programme Monitoring & Evaluation processes in Environmental Funds

This handbook was prepared for the 4th workshop of Project K (Knowledge for Action project). It focuses on monitoring and evaluation processes for EFs.
December 11, 2014

Resource mobilization at BaCoMaB: Fishing Agreements with the European Union

A detailed account of the resource mobilization strategies by BaCoMaB, including participation from the national government and the valuation of the park's contribution to the international fishery industry.
December 11, 2014

Resource Mobilization Strategies for Environmental Funds

An introduction to traditional funding sources is followed by an overview of the institutional requirements for resource mobilization. The handbook further explores innovative funding mechanisms
December 12, 2014

Save Palo Verde Campaign: conservation finance via text messages

Forever Costa Rica presents a collaborative effort with the local media to raise fund for the conservation of the Palo Verde National Park through direct donations from companies and individuals via text messages.
December 11, 2014

Strategic Planning for Environmental Funds

A primer in Strategic Planning with focus on needs and challenges faced by EFs. The handbook identifies differences between a Strategic Plan and other planning efforts, […]
December 11, 2014

Strategic Planning for longevity and greater impact at Funbio

Funbio adopts systematic strategic planning exercises as a best practice. The case summarizes the first three exercises, the motivation, actors involved and the way they were conducted.
December 11, 2014

The Biodiversity Conservation Mechanism and compensation resources in the state of Rio de Janeiro

Funbio briefly presents its project in partnership with the government of the state of Rio de Janeiro. The financial mechanisms manage and execute resources from private companies that must meet mandatory compensation targets.
December 12, 2014

The Flight of the Butterflies: an IMAX 3D experience to raise awareness and financial resources

FMCN introduces a public-private initiative to raise awareness and funds for the protection of the monarch butterfly during its international migratory pattern. The initiative resulted in an IMAX 3D film, broadcasted worldwide.
December 11, 2014

The Paiter Surui Fund: REDD+ and indigenous communities

Funbio is the financial manager of the Paiter Surui Fund, which finances the 50-year Life Plan of an indigenous community in Brazil through carbon credits. Authors: […]