May 15, 2019

EF-to-EF Mentorship program between MAR Fund, Pacífico, and the Caribbean Biodiversity Fund

This case study presents the activities, outcomes, benefits and challenges of a mentorship exchange between Malawi Environmental Endowment Trust (MEET), as the mentee, and Profonanpe, as the mentor, in order to facilitate knowledge transfer and mutual learning around direct access modalities for climate financing through the Adaptation Fund (AF) and the Green Climate Fund (GCF).
December 11, 2014

Governance challenges at Profonanpe

PROFONANPE presents its basic governance structure, key elements for success and lessons learnt. The case details the specificities of the Fund''s relationship with the government, which occupies the majority of Board seats.
December 11, 2014

Governance in complex settings: merging Environmental Funds

The case presents the process of unification of two different environmental trust funds in Jamaica, in order to improve effectiveness and viability. This is a brief account of the challenges and opportunities involved in combining both governance structures.
December 11, 2014

Governance in response to institutional expansion at Fondo Acción

Fondo Acción responded to its expansion by creating a set of governance tools and procedures. The case details the creation of new governance bodies, their composition, the division of roles and responsibilities and lessons learnt.