December 12, 2014

Compensation at Rio de Janeiro: the Biodiversity Conservation Mechanism

Funbio presents a detailed account of its project in partnership with the government of the state of Rio de Janeiro. The financial mechanisms manages and executes resources from private companies that must meet mandatory compensation targets.
May 15, 2019

Design of a FM for socioeconomic development of territories in the surrounding of large scale infrastructure projects by supporting sustainable forest chains

FUNBIO presents the “Forest Innovation” financial mechanism (FM) which lies at the intersection between socio-economic development and sustainability in territories around large infrastructure projects through the local environmental potentialities (environmental assets).
May 15, 2019

EF-to-EF Mentorship program between Brazilian Biodiversity Fund (Funbio) and BioGuiné Foundation (FBG)

The mentoring project between the Brazilian Biodiversity Fund – Funbio (mentor) and the BioGuinea Foundation – FBG (mentee) aimed to share knowledge about evaluation and design of financial mechanisms – FMs. It is a Funbio’s expertise and a theme with rare capacity-building opportunities, since the literature on the subject is very limited and there are few environments where there are training on these mechanism
December 11, 2014

Flexible fundraising: the Funbio Partnership Funds Program

The Partnership Funds Program was a flexible and thematically wide fundraising strategy during Funbio''s early days. It helped the Fund to identify institutional partners and allowed it to leverage adittional resources for biodiversity conservation.
December 11, 2014

Funbio’s Sustainable Dialogues: communication and partnership with the private sector

An overview of the Sustainable Dialogues Programme, which was designed to support Funbio”s strategic objectives and engage the private sector through a series of meetings between […]
December 11, 2014

Government initiatives for forest conservation in the Brazilian state of Acre

Acre government has created mechanisms to conciliate the economic development of the state with the conservation of the natural resources and environmental services provided by its ecosystems.
December 11, 2014

Strategic Planning for longevity and greater impact at Funbio

Funbio adopts systematic strategic planning exercises as a best practice. The case summarizes the first three exercises, the motivation, actors involved and the way they were conducted.
December 11, 2014

The Biodiversity Conservation Mechanism and compensation resources in the state of Rio de Janeiro

Funbio briefly presents its project in partnership with the government of the state of Rio de Janeiro. The financial mechanisms manage and execute resources from private companies that must meet mandatory compensation targets.
December 11, 2014

The Paiter Surui Fund: REDD+ and indigenous communities

Funbio is the financial manager of the Paiter Surui Fund, which finances the 50-year Life Plan of an indigenous community in Brazil through carbon credits. Authors: […]
December 11, 2014

The Roles of Environmental Funds in REDD+

The handbook summarizes main concepts, the steps towards developing a national REDD+ strategy and main sources of funding for REDD+ projects. It also presents clear roles […]